Odalisk Trophy Round 4: Warzone

Report by: Teyte Rombach

Welcome to another instalment of the Odalisk series. The event was the 4th out of 5 separate games against Odiham and Akrotiri. This event was a kill race on the free to play game Call Of Duty Warzone with bonus points for finishing within the top 10 so it was an incentive to last as long as possible to get them well needed bonus points.

The games started at 6pm and LOS1 (Teyte & Toby) where off to a very hot drop. Landing in Hydro Electric they dropped there most kills within 5 minutes, dipping and diving out of windows with communication on point they easily cleared out the whole area giving them chance to loot up and get there desired weapons. They knew they were off to an unexpected hot start so kept pushing to get them points and give them the chance they needed. For the final circle they eventually got cornered in between 6 teams, out in the open and with no long range weapons which left them finishing that match in 7th place which got them the bonus points.

LOS2 was Lee & Dependent which also put in a very good showing, they had their best map by landing in Observatory where they played it nice and slow only firing weapons when needed and going for the easier guaranteed kills; very different playstyle from team LOS1. As the circle came in towards them that only added more pressure and more people running up the mountain from the storm meant the unexpecting enemy were easy pickings for the patient team. Eventually after waves of people rushing them there were taken down by another duo with the toxic flaming round shotguns much to their dismay. They got their best finish at 8th place which still gave them bonus points. Both teams completed games over the 3 hour limit and only the best three were included in the scoring.

Coming in at 3rd Place was the very unlucky Akrotiri with a score of 19.

Coming in at 2nd Place was the ever so close… Odiham with a score of 45.

This means that coming in at 1st AGAIN was the MIGHTY Lossiemouth Phantoms with a score of 53.

This brings the Phantoms winning total to 3 out of 5 events with 1 game left to play. We have won the Odalisk series, but it is only right we finish it in style by going for 4 victories. Another very interesting fact is for that every event we have attended so far as a club we have won… Let's keep the winning streak going.